Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Rough Day

Well, it was yesterday, but I just found out about it.

Mom got an eerie feeling around 4am that something was wrong. She got up, drove straight there, and sure enough: Dad's fever had jumped to 103. The staff ran a lot of tests: EKG to check heart, and a laundry list of others. Nothing too crazy, but it's really irritating that his fever gets to such a treacherous level with no explanation. Sure, there's the hypothalmus/neuro fever explanation (as in his HT gland also sustained injury and is deciding to go bananas), but I feel like there's more.

At any rate, he's better today, much more calm. Thank goodness.

I'm currently still (yes, still) in my office researching travel options. CCPA's audition season is about to heat up, which means 50+ hour work weeks and all my weekends from late January to mid-March are gone. I cannot wait that long to see my father. My Boston conference for work just got canceled, so now I'm going to try to find a way to get home next weekend. In the event any of you know someone with a private plane, give them my number ;)

Monday, January 11, 2010

Technology rocks/Almost

I title it this way because I'm posting directly from my iPhone! Steve jobs is my hero.

Why am I posting in the middle if the night? Because I keep waking up for no reason. Well, not no reason...someone may have had a little too much coffee a little too late in the day. I'm asleep for a moment, until Our Lady Of Starbucks decides I need to shoot out of bed in a panic, thinking it's daybreak. Awesome.

The second half of the title refers to my Papa. We get a lot of 'almosts' from the staff about him right now. He's almost completely off the ventilator after his little infection showdown. He's almost staph-free.

We ask, "is he back to the health level he was after Christmas?"
" Almost."

Can we finally get back on track to plan his transfer closer to home?

I'm crossing my fingers for a few more good days, after which I'll have the confidence to get on the phone and beg them to look at his transfer file. I certainly don't want to transfer him back home until he's strong enough, but I hope it's soon for my Mom's sake; she's been there and back every single day, including last week's school-closing bad weather days.

I'm almost sleepy again, so I'm off. Play some music from the oldies radio station tomorrow and take a second to think of Dad. I myself will now attempt to drift off to Sam Cooke.