Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Rough Day

Well, it was yesterday, but I just found out about it.

Mom got an eerie feeling around 4am that something was wrong. She got up, drove straight there, and sure enough: Dad's fever had jumped to 103. The staff ran a lot of tests: EKG to check heart, and a laundry list of others. Nothing too crazy, but it's really irritating that his fever gets to such a treacherous level with no explanation. Sure, there's the hypothalmus/neuro fever explanation (as in his HT gland also sustained injury and is deciding to go bananas), but I feel like there's more.

At any rate, he's better today, much more calm. Thank goodness.

I'm currently still (yes, still) in my office researching travel options. CCPA's audition season is about to heat up, which means 50+ hour work weeks and all my weekends from late January to mid-March are gone. I cannot wait that long to see my father. My Boston conference for work just got canceled, so now I'm going to try to find a way to get home next weekend. In the event any of you know someone with a private plane, give them my number ;)

1 comment:

  1. Hi there, I"m a friend of Glen Judds and thought I would share our story. My brother in Law Dave had a motorcycle accd about 3 years ago. No helmet and devastating head injuries. We were also called in when it happened because they said he wouldn't make it. He was in a coma for a couple months and then in a nursing home for a few months. In the nursing home he was awake but not there. They had to put the mattress on the floor because he would continually roll off of it. My mother in law & father in law knew he would not get better in that environment so they opted to get rehab and then take him home. he is now walking with a walker and can conversate. His mind is totally there it just takes him a little bit to get it out. He even helps his teenage daughter with her algebra :). I just wanted to let you know there is hope and nothing is as it seems. Good luck with all and my prayers are with you and your family.
    DeAnna Neal
