Saturday, November 14, 2009

Tuesday: It begins.

Tuesday morning, right before 3 am, a deer jumped in front of my father's Harley and started the journey we're on now.

I've been updating people in the best way I knew how: Facebook status changes and mass emails. Boy I love technology.

I've compiled them in order here to fill you in, in case you're just joining us. This one's a long read. Grab a drink and sit down.

I first got word Tuesday morning around 8 am. Mom called and I had trouble processing what I heard. It begins.

FB: Tue at 8:48am:
If you pray, pray for my father. Please.

EMAIL to work and music colleagues in Chicago, Tues 10:47 am:
Hi all,

Sorry for the group email, but I need to let you know this quickly.

This morning, my father was in a terrible motorcycle accident on his way to work. It's incredibly serious. He's been unconscious since it happened, has movement in only half his body, and took a lot of impact top his head and face. I'm heading to Arkansas in an hour, and do not know when I'll be returning. You're in this email because I'm supposed to have an appointment with you sometime in the next few days. Those plans are obviously and effectively canceled.

I'm sorry to dump this on you so quickly, but his injuries are serious enough that I must be there. He's improved since this morning, but it's still too soon to tell.
I may be back as early as Saturday- I'll keep Jimmy and/or Brian posted, so you can check with them if you can't reach me.

FB: Tue at 12:07pm:
Dad update: he had a terrible motorcycle accident this morning. He's in ICU at UAMS. Unconscious, but with movement on one side. Too soon to tell his prognosis. I'm flying to Little Rock now to be with my family. Will update friends as I can. Again, if you pray/chant/light candles, do it super hard right now. Please.

FB: Tue at 11:18pm
Dad Update: he's still here, and that's a miracle. He has a stint to relieve swelling on his brain. He can hear us but, we don't know how much he comprehends. Multiple broken bones: clavicle, face, many fractures in spine. He's on a respirator, unconscious due to medical sedation. Mom is finally sleeping- she's been amazingly strong. We'll know more in the morning, but make no mistake: we are lucky he's even alive.

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