Thursday, January 21, 2010

Monkey Wrench

Tis the time to throw one, apparently.

First, he wasn't well enough to transport. Then he was. Then the place we wanted to send him wouldn't take him because he wasn't well enough. Then they would take him, but not through insurance (and I've only got 2 kidneys for the black market...). Then a guy from the same place was in his room evaluating him today for a possible transfer.

Je suis troublé. Je ne comprend pas.

Hopefully I'll get some things straightened out when I arrive tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Fingers Crossed!

Mom called me tonight with great news: Dr. Mumtaz is planning to forge ahead with Dad's transfer closer to home, and it may happen as soon as this week when I'm there!

Cross your fingers, hope, throw salt over your shoulder, whatever. We need to get him home.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Home Time!

Well, for me.

My mom's been awesome enough to help me find a way to get home this weekend, and I'm so grateful and excited. I'm flying in Friday and leaving WAY too early Monday morning. Can't wait!

Dad's doing ok. Not a ton of movement/changes, but that's ok for now. The ventilator was finally wheeled out of his room again, which is a step in the right direction. I'm hoping to have him back in Russellville by his 60th birthday on February 9.

Again, keep believing that this will get better. I'm trying, and most of the time I've got it.